We connect people, devices, machines and businesses to make them smarter and better. It is achieved by augmenting intelligence of systems, controlling production processes, enabling remote operations, predicting failures, monitoring human health, designing products and make our environment convenient, secure and sustainable.

We enable new services and features for smart connected products and create new revenue streams for OEMs through better service management and warranty management capabilities. With IoT, the end consumer can now receive better products, customized service and value based pricing and directly from the product or service provider without intermediary layers. As virtual connections and remote environments become more common, capitalizing on ‘IoT-as-a- service’ becomes imperative for enterprises to deliver superior experiences to customers and manage operations better. With industrial IoT, consumer IoT and smart spaces as the core pillars of IoT, Infosys delivers human- centric solutions that catalyze the adoption of IoT to create a smarter, safer and a better world.

Our Offerings
  • IoT Consulting
  • Integration & Implementation
  • Analytics & Insights
  • Standardization & Transformation
  • Cybersecurity
  • Niche Services